Changes ======= 0.6 --- * Dropped deprecated features. * Fixed deprecation warnings on Python 3.7 and higher. * Migrated tests from ``Nose`` to ``PyTest``. 0.5.3 ----- * Fixed bug in :meth:`configtree.loader.Walker.environment` method. 0.5.2 ----- * Fixed bugs in :meth:`configtree.tree.Tree.rare_copy` and :meth:`configtree.tree.Tree.rare_keys` methods. 0.5.1 ----- * Fixed bugs in :class:`configtree.loader.Loader` class. 0.5 --- * Added abstract base class :class:`configtree.tree.ITree` to unify type checking; * Fixed ``pop`` method of :class:`configtree.tree.Tree` and :class:`configtree.tree.BranchProxy`; * Added ``rare_copy`` method into :class:`configtree.tree.Tree` and :class:`configtree.tree.BranchProxy`; * Unified :func:`configtree.tree.rarefy` function, it now handles any mapping object. 0.4 --- * Dropped Python 2.6 support. * Completely reworked loading process (see :ref:`migration03to04`): * functions :func:`configtree.loader.load`, :func:`configtree.loader.loaderconf` are deprecated in favor of :class:`configtree.loader.Loader`; * function :func:`configtree.loader.make_walk` is deprecated in favor of :class:`configtree.loader.Walker`; * function :func:`configtree.loader.make_update` is deprecated in favor of :class:`configtree.loader.Updater`; * module :mod:`configtree.conv` and its plugins (from entry point with the same name) is deprecated in favor or :mod:`configtree.formatter`; * shell command ``configtree`` is deprecated in favor of ``ctdump``. 0.3 --- * Dropped Python 3.2 support due to ``coverage`` package. The code should still work OK, but it will not be tested anymore. * Added :func:`configtree.loader.loaderconf` function to be able to read loader configuration from ```` module in a clean way. 0.2 --- * Added ``copy`` method into :class:`configtree.tree.Tree` and :class:`configtree.tree.BranchProxy` classes. * Added human readable representation of :class:`configtree.tree.BranchProxy` class. * Added rare iterators into :class:`configtree.tree.Tree` and :class:`configtree.tree.BranchProxy` classes. * Added :func:`configtree.tree.rarefy` function. * Added rare JSON converter. 0.1 --- * Initial release.